Guiding Stone Therapy & Wellness provides mental health and wellness services for those experiencing trauma, eating disorders, and other mental health and stress related symptoms.
GSTW is built on core principles and values.
The GSTW team is lead by core principles.
Compassionate Guidance
Compassion means “to suffer with.” We understand that you’re ready for your pain and stress to end, and we want that for you too. GSTW providers offer guidance and support through the lens of non-judgment, caring, and service.
Quality and Accountability
Our goal is to provide quality services. The GSTW team is made up of experienced, high quality, licensed mental health and wellness providers.
Person First
First and foremost, you are a whole person. You have a whole life of experiences that have led to strengths and wisdom. We strive to honor you as an individual and offer personalized care that meets your specific needs and wants.
Team Approach
We believe in the power of a team approach. Whether you’re using multiple GSTW providers or come to us with others already on your team, we find that collaboration is the key to making the most out of each service.
blah blah blah

Office => (555) 555-5555
[email protected]
123 Example Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85260